Monday, January 16, 2012

Valves and Oil Pan

A break from the history lesson. I actually did some work on the truck today. I had the LC in to the joint that, I'm hoping, will do the engine conversion work for me. He didn't tell me anything I didn't already know - it leaks oil like a sieve. Ya, I know.

My plan is to pull the engine, transmission, and transfer case and have him sell it for me. He would then apply the credit towards my bill (future bill). The compression numbers were alright, but the leak down test indicated that the valves could be out of adjustment which could have contributed to it failing emissions. Oh, it failed miserably. Actually, I was hoping it would fail that way I had my excuse to get it off the road and start the work.

Valve cover still on
Today I pulled the valve cover, geez what a mess. The air cleaner assembly did a good job of covering most of the valve cover and everything else. The air cleaner assembly is now on my work bench and what a mess. I really wish I had a parts washer now. An aerosol can of parts cleaner is alright, but even with a scraper and wire brush, it still couldn't finish the job.

Once the valve cover is off and I'm glove deep into cleaning up the inside of my 235k valve cover I realize my trusty green hoodie will likely not ever meet its washer-friend again. I'm going to miss that hoodie. You've been a trusted friend and cold weather ally for years. I will not forget your sacrifices. Our time isn't over yet, my green buddy, but when I look back at our time together the valve cover and oil pan (will get to that one later) will likely mark the beginning of the end.

22 Bolts between the 27yr old cork gasket and fresh air
On to the oil pan. I was worried that the rear main seal was blown. I was told that my rear main was blown after he checked it over. Initially, I considered replacing it before selling it, but now I think that most of the oil leakage was from the ... cue the dark ominous tones ... the oil pan gasket. 22 bolts. 22 oily, grimy, is-this-the-right-size-socket, bolts. I didn't need the ratchet for about 11 bolts. Whatever dirt that wasn't covering my, once trusty, hoodie, was either deposited on my face, beard, or ears (yup gotta love dirt in the ears). I had the pan drained and all but 2 bolts out, I position my knees to catch the soon to be removed oil pan.

The last bolt wasn't actually holding up the pan. All the bolts are now out of the block and the pan is still in place. I am a magician.

There's really not room under that thing to pound on it with a bfh. I'll try bottle jack against the frame, horizontally. For another time and another hoodie, perhaps.

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